Year 2 Sleepover

The Year 2s had a grand old time on the night of Friday, 4th November. First, they arrived with their arms full of bedding, pulling suitcases and big bags. After finding a friend to sleep next to, they set off to play the ‘Life Be In It’ games on the oval. There was the ‘world ball’ to pass and bounce around and the parachute to play under. Then it was time to eat – a sausage sizzle, and ice-cream for dessert. After waving the Year 1s good-bye, the Year 2s changed into their pyjamas and cleaned their teeth ready for bed. A funny episode of ‘Sponge Bob Square Pants’ rounded out the night and then it was time for sleep.

The morning brought an early wake up and pack up time. Everyone dressed and made their way to the staff room for breakfast. And what a spread!!! Toast with butter or jam or Vegemite, Nutrigrain, Cornflakes, Weetbix, Rice Bubbles, orange or tropical juice. There was something for everyone. After a filling meal, it was time for a quick photo and then head off home. A fine taste of what camp will be like next year.

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